Saturday, November 21, 2009

USA: A Land of Opposites

We all have heard of Africa biologically weird with giant ants, human sucking plants and the like. The continent is gifted naturally different. But it's idiosyncratic that America known as the land of opportunities looks culturally up-side-down, at max observing from Asian eyes.

The greatest accounting of adjacencies is apparently visible in day-to-day life. When Asia goes to bed, for example, America's just waking up for perfunctory schedules, everyone knows it. But, besides, you travel miles here, not meters; and you say your bike, sorry car, is burning on gas; ditch in the word "petrol" - one hardly uses here. Motorbiking - not driving those many cars - is one's hobby in America. What would happen if South Asia had such a great flock of automobiles crowding our streets, while vatvattes few and far between? - Sorry, you would drive on the right lane in home. Yes, America runs right side on the road, never left, hell never Communists - don't collide! Similarly it's very cold today, what's the temperature? If you listen like 12* Fahrenheit, don't confuse it's not cold. In Celsius, you're fighting almost -12* to be invited by God for the Judgment Day should you be walking on the streets. Thank America, all work, schools, and homes are warm 24 hours with central heating. "Where's my tea?", don't whine; many people still prefer ice-cream and ice-drink inside cosy supermarkets. Well, ice-tea is customary though.

Hey guys, let's jump to competitions. Do your shoes give the most pungent smell? Can you write a worst article? Have you got a very cute dog? Then win millions in such competitions. Do you fart in a unique way? America may award you. Yes, many competitions are queer as they are never heard before. But how about playing football? Do you want to? Then get born strongly-built, buddy, and not a woman. Otherwise, you can't wrestle on the ground. It's more knock-you-down than roll-the-ball. How could an oval-shaped ball perform the magic of our round one? Never mind, it's seldom played elsewhere, like hattipolo in Nepal. They call it soccer if soever they play our football.

Naturally too, I've found a few interesting odds in America. Let me remind you that 3W's - weather, women, and work - are unreliable in this land. It might be unreasonably hot in a winter day here while you can see 10-inch snow in April. Trees, too. You won't be astonished now to find a tree, that is leafless and listless for five months during the winter, blossom full of flowers so nicely that you can't see its stems. What's more surprising is that flowers come first in most trees then only sprout the leafs - a completely reciprocal trend to Asian tropical ecosystem. It's as odd as children first and then only marriage, isn't it? Don't shrug off yet, it's another truth in the US and the west. Moreover, a woman can change her boyfriend in the States as often as she dines out. She's protected by her freedom to do so. Why does she do? Because her lover is out of job and he can't spent on her or he hesitates to buy her an expensive diamond ring. Or why won't she do so when her boyfriend today will be in jail for a perjury tomorrow.

I had a chance of chatting with Gari when he was working in a jewelery store last week. He was 27 and had four children: two from his ex, now being grown by his mother, and two by his current wife under his staggering income. He was still courting with a new girlfriend. He was expecting to be the assistant manager soon for a raise. But when I visited the store yesterday, the manager told me he's already been put to jail for involving in crime. Losing jobs and quitting husbands are normal here. That could be a reason you call a woman, "Miss Patricia" - not Madam Patricia - even if she's married. That's nothing, you say "girlfriend" in the public here to your 56 years old wife.

"What's up, dog?" I'm certainly not calling a dog but saying hello in an African phraseology to a youthful guy. Why did people in India rally against the Oscar hit Slumdog Millionaire merely for its name? But dog is man and man is dog in the US. No dogs are allowed to be strayed here.Their owners must guard them every time. They must receive complete food and medical care. On the other hand, you are a dog or a fox if you behave a sexually or socially smart boy. You have to work many hours like a dog because you must earn more to spend more. You can't be a dog if you can't be charming to a handful of girls. They are your major achievements. Oh, are you gay? I'm sorry; you are a dog, too.

A bit differently, many wrong-grown boys are also dogs in the US. In the streets or outside a shopping center, they keep barking like repugnant stray dogs in Asian gullies. The sound is different though, "Do you guys have 50 cents?", "Excuse me, spend a quarter please." One night, a handsome looking dog stopped me on the way with his five little kids and barked at me humbly, "Sir, I didn't intend to stop you. But I'm riding the Metro to home with my children and I don't have any dollars left with me." Damn care it, these dogs work in cash and also get periodical unemployment allowances by the government.

Instances that USA is something crooked to the immigrants and other nations are many and multiple. So, living in here is both fun and fuss. It's really intriguing to be able to come out of them and make favourable choices.


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